Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Soother Fairy

So, my Love Bug has been a BIG fan of his pacifier since he was born. We kept wanting to get rid of it but found numerous reasons (and excuses) not to. The big one had to do with Missus being up every 2-3 hours in the night until she was nine months old. We were TIRED and didn't feel like compounding our exhaustion.

Then we didn't want to do it because we moved out of our house and in with my mom for 5 weeks. Then we moved in to our new house and needed to get settled. So, last week I decided that it was time to get rid of the soother! My hubby was working night shifts so I did it on my own. We were originally planning on doing it this week when my hubby was off. I figured...why should we both suffer and did it a week earlier.

The first couple of nights were HELLACIOUS! The Love Bug was up constantly wanting his soother. Then the third night he slept through the night (which is a rare occurrence - soother or not). Since then he has been up maybe once a night, which is fairly typical. We are having problems with naps though and he has only had 2 in the last week. I'm not sure if he is just going through a phase or if he is outgrowing his nap already (since he is almost 3).

Anyways, the way we (I) got rid of the soother is to say the "Soother Fairy" came to take it away since he is getting too big now. He keeps saying that he wants her to bring it back, but sort of understands the concept. Since he actually slept through the night after having his soother taken away, the Soother Fairy brought him a new fire truck one morning. He was pretty excited about that and I don't think he is as angry with the Soother Fairy anymore...thank goodness.


Multi-tasking Mommy said...

I can only even begin to imagine how difficult giving that up must have been, but the soother fairy, what a great concept!

Blog said...

wow! that idea is brillers! now i need to get me a THUMB FAIRY pronto!!! (and a potty fairy...!)