Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The politics of Cottaging

It seems like this year that we will be doing quite a bit of cottaging. My FIL and step MIL have had a cottage since I came on the scene. We have been going up there for years, but not as much since we had the kids. The place wasn't that big - it could accommodate us but if the kids were up in the night we were afraid that everyone would hear it. It made for a less-than-relaxing sleep.

Now they have built a huge addition on the cottage so that everyone can be up there at the same time (us and my husband's step-sis and step-brother). And my because my in laws plan on retiring up there in a few years. Here are a couple of pics of the new place. Nice.

My mom and step-dad just bought a place that they will be taking possession of in a couple of weeks. It is about 20 minutes away from my in-law's place. I haven't been there yet but it looks really nice in the pictures I have seen.

Now comes the balancing act. We have to figure out where to go and try to minimize hurt feelings because we didn't spend time at one of the cottages. I know my mom and step-dad totally understand that we will be splitting our time up and am not too worried about that. I am a little bit more worried about my in laws (not terribly worried though) because they have had their cottage longer and we have been spending less and less time there over the past couple of years.

My solution so far is that I will go to my mom & step-dad's place on some of the weekends when my hubby is working...gives us something to do anyway. (And, while I get along greatly with my in laws, I still feel more comfortable around my own mom). On weekends my hubby has off we will go to the in law's cottage. My hubby has 2 weeks off during the summer and we will split time between the 2 places. Sounds good, right? Let's hope it works out...

I'm sure we will figure it all out and at least I know what I will be doing this summer!

Monday, April 28, 2008

My 3 year old Love Bug

As promised, here is a little synopsis of my Love Bug at 36 months.

He is a very complex little guy. He can be quite serious sometimes and other times he is a clown. He has always had a great sense of humour and knows what can make other people laugh. In particular, he cracks his sister up with almost everything he does.

He has never been the best sleeper. We struggle constantly with naps and staying in bed at night. He is probably outgrowing his nap (sadly) but still needs a couple naps a week for sure.

He has been suffering from night terrors...that is what the night time temper tantrums were about. He will usually wake up crying and screaming within 3-4 hours of going to bed. We just go in and hold him. He usually doesn't make sense and will go back to sleep fairly quickly.

He loves attention at night (other than the night terrors) and will come up with ridiculous excuses to get us in his room, like he doesn't want a blanket on his bed. Um...take it off then silly!
He is so affectionate and I don't want him to outgrow this! He loves to sit on your lap and talk, read books or even watch tv. He will just come up and say "please hold me mommy". Even his teacher at nursery school thinks he is super cuddly.

He talks non-stop. Sometimes he can be on a monologue for 10 minutes. It is nice to have conversations with him now though.

He still isn't potty trained (so sad). He was doing really well for a while and then totally reverted back to going in his pull-ups after he had the stomach flu about a month ago. I need to figure this one out.

He knows all of his colours, shapes and letters.

He loves clocks. He will notice a clock anywhere we go. And, he wants them to turn more. We have to explain that clocks turn slowly unless they have a seconds arm that moves quicker.

He loves cars and the movie by the same name. He has a little McQueen and a bigger McQueen and they are always around - sometimes in my diaper bag for trips in the minivan.

Some of his favourite expressions are "What happened?", "What's that smell?"

His favourite shows are Max & Ruby and Backyardigans. We have a bunch taped on our PVR and he knows and wants specific episodes all of the time...picky.

He is a Starbucks addict already. He know my order and knows his order too...a kid's hot chocolate no whip cream and a ginger molasses cookie. He shares both of those things with his little sister though. And, he loves the Starbucks drive-thrus...which makes it way too convenient for me to take them... a lot!

The Love Bug had an interest in books at an early age and still does. He loves to read lots of books including ones that require a pretty good attention span like Muncsh and Dr. Seuss. His love of reading makes us happy since both my husband and myself like to read (my hubby reads more than anyone I have ever met).

He LOVES to help with just about everything!

I can't believe that he is 3 already. He still had a baby-ish look about him until recently but now he definitely looks more like a little boy. I guess ultimately, he always will be my baby boy though.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Menu Plan - week of April 28

My husband is going through the busy part of his schedule so I need recipes that are quick and easy this week!

Monday - meatloaf with scalloped potatoes and green beans

Tuesday - Cheater Souvlaki with Pita, Tzatziki and Grilled Vegetables (I think I'll buy the tzatziki though)

Wednesday - leftovers

Thursday - Japanese Grilled Chicken, Fragrant Rice
Sauteed Edamame

Friday - Perogies and salad

Saturday - I think maybe Chicken Nuggets from Deceptively Delicious and homemade fries (in the oven)

Sunday - the hubby is off for a week...yeh! So we will have some steaks on the BBQ, mushroom risotto and grilled asparagus

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My 3 year old guy

I started writing this on his birthday, but just finished today.

The day started off well with the Love Bug having a good sleep...yeh! So, he got a sticker on his "Stayed in bed all night chart". He was a little bit grumpy when I dropped him off at nursery school and kept saying "please hold me mommy." When it was time for me to leave he went immediately to his teacher (who he loves) and snuggled her. We had made some chocolate cupcakes with blue icing (as per Love Bug's request) to bring for snack time at nursery school. So, he got to share them with all of his school friends and they sang happy birthday to him.

When the Missus and I picked him up from school at lunch time he was in a really good mood. We came home and had lunch and he opened his presents from us. I decided to have a nap with him so he would rest because I though he has had a lot of excitement lately. It worked and he had a decent nap.

When we got up we went to Chuck E Cheese for dinner. We haven't been there in a while but the kids LOVED it!!! They had a great time playing with all of the games and rides. And, we had pizza for dinner...what more could any 3 year old ask for.

Afterwards we went to Starbucks (Chapters is right bedside Chuck E Cheese conveniently :) and had some drinks. The kids shared a kids hot chocolate and a cookie. What a great way to end the day!

I will post some more about my 3 year old preschooler (yikes - no longer a toddler!) in the next couple of days. I need a little time to reflect and adjust to my baby boy turning 3.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Menu Plan - week of April 21st

One day late in doing this!

Monday - leftovers from the Love Bug's party

Tuesday - Pecan chicken, sweet potatoes & asparagus

Wednesday - Chuck E Cheese for the Love Bug's 3rd birthday!

Thursday - Curry chicken & steamed basmati rice

Friday - BBQ sausages & salad

Saturday - Chicken & bean burritos & salad

Sunday - TBD/leftovers

Monday, April 21, 2008

Party time!

My little Love Bug is turning 3 on Wednesday! I can't believe it. We has a very small party for him yesterday (Sunday) at lunch time. It was hard to plan anything this year because my hubby worked Saturday and Sunday this past weekend. And, he is working all of this upcoming weekend. The only time slot we had available was Sunday at lunch time because the hubby didn't start work until 7pm.

I debated for quite a while about whether or not to have a kids party this year. But due to my hubby not having a lot of time and the grandparents WANTING to be a part of the birthday celebration, we just had the grandparents and my brother, SIL and niece over for lunch and cake. I think next year, when he turns 4 (gulp) we will have a party with his friends for sure.

Anyway, I think he had a really great time. He has been asking to turn 3 for weeks now. I believe he knows that birthday = party = cake + presents. When asked what he wanted for his birthday he would reply CAKE! He wanted a chocolate cake with pink icing (something that I'm sure his dad loves). He happens to love cars right now, including the characters from the cartoon movie Cars. So, he got a Car cake with a miniature car on top. It was very cute and he loved it.

We also bought a helium tank and balloons from Costco and filled the family room with 50 balloons. The kids loved it. Are there are kids out there that don't like balloons 'cause my kids go crazy for them!

He was very spoiled (as usual) and got a sand box, water table that looks like a real sink, books, toys, clothes and money for his birthday. After opening every present he would day "Please open this now!" We haven't even given him our gifts yet.

After everyone left he was exhausted and started falling asleep on me. My hubby was taking a nap before his shift, so I decided to load the kids in the car and take them through the new drive-thru Starbucks (as per Love Bug's request). We brought Daddy home a coffee for when he got up too.

When I put Love Bug to bed that night he gave me a big kiss and said "Thank you for taking me to Starbucks today Mommy." I'm not sure why he was so happy to go today because we go every day (it is my vice). I asked him if he had fun at his party and his reply was "Yes! Thank you for decorating for my party Mommy!" So, I guess the streamers and balloons were a hit!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sick of being sick

It seems like the last month has been just one illness after the next in our house. It started off with the Missus being sick with a bad cold for a week before Easter. Then, Easter Monday she came down with stomach flu. The rest of the family caught it one by one and the week was a write-off. We had a week off to recover and then Love Bug got a really high fever for a couple of days early last week.

Once the fever broke I thought he was ok. But, he was miserable! He was throwing temper tantrums left, right and centre. It was crazy! Then a couple of days later I started feeling really achy. It hurt to shower. My whole body felt bruised. It turns out that the Love Bug had the flu and was probably feeling horrible (if he felt anything like I did!). He seems to be over it but I am still fighting it off right now and it has been almost a week. Now the Missus has a fever and a runny nose. It just never seems to end!

I have so much I would like to post about but just haven't had the time or energy. Hopefully I will catch up soon.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Menu Plan - week of April 14th

Last week was a write-off. The Love Bug was sick Monday and Tuesday. Then I had the flu again all week and am just getting over it now. So, I didn't cook a lot last week. I am going to make some of the recipes (from last week) this week instead.

Monday - Chicken tetrazzine

Tuesday - Pork Chops with apple gravy, cheesy rice and green beans (recipe from Rachel Ray that is suppose to be for chicken)

Wednesday - chili and buttermilk biscuits

Thursday - Jerk Chicken (emeril), rice & peas, fried plantain

Friday - going out

Saturday - Singapore noodles (recipe from Canadian Living)

Sunday - leftovers - we are having the family over for lunch to celebrate the Love Bug's birthday, so we will have whatever is left for dinner

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mommy of the year

This is an award that I will NOT be winning right now. Lately, it has been a bit of a struggle. It feels like we have been constantly battling illnesses the last month which have pretty much zapped me of my energy. Due to these illnesses, the kids have been more to handle too. Particularly the Love Bug who is really a handful these days. It turns out he has been suffering from night terrors. We have developed a system to deal with that which seems to be helping. Last weekend his tantrums actually got better and he was my nice normal guys again - which was wonderful. This week he got sick again and since then has been a holy terror. I haven't had a break in forever and think I need one. I just am running low on patience. I am usually pretty calm but I don't think I having been dealing with the constant screaming and demanding as well as I could be (I have been raising my voice more than usual and am being inconsistent with discipline).

My FIL and step-MIL have offered to take the kids overnight this weekend and I have agreed to it. I am a little worried about it because they have never slept over there without us. And, the Missus has NEVER slept apart from me in 15 months! I know I need the break, but it is stressing me out a bit at the same time.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Walkin' and talkin'

My little princess was 15 months old on Friday. She has been doing so much lately that it is really hard to keep up with it. On Thursday morning, my husband left for a hockey tournament and didn't get back until last night. When he got back I kept saying "oh ya, she does this now". In just 4 days she started so many new things!

-says Mommy instead of mama - one of my favourite "new" things
-talks and talks! She repeats almost everything she hears. Some of her favourite words are eat, grapes and cheese.
-she follows simple instructions like bringing her shoes to me if I ask her to or will wipe her face
-she knows some of her body parts; belly button, nose and bum-bum
-she will tell me if she has gone to the bathroom in her diaper (I fear she will be potty trained before her brother!)
-she walks/almost runs everywhere now
-she eats NON_STOP and has developed (unfortunately) a real sweet tooth. If she sees anyone with chocolate she goes nuts.
-will help put clothes on and can take off her own top
-in the last week has started switching from two naps to one
-is starting to like books more now. She previously didn't have much on an attention span for books (unlike her brother who loved books at a very early age). She will also help turn the pages. -she is still a big smoocher and now blows kisses too
-she eats well with her spoon and we give her whatever we are eating for dinner
-she loves to climb and we often find her on top of things - like the ottoman, boxes, or chairs
-pretend to "talk" on the telephone. She will pick it up and say "hi" then jabber away.

I know there are more things that I am forgetting since her development seems to have exploded. Oh well, when I remember it will give me more to post about ;)

Menu Plan - week Of April 7th

Last week turned out to be a little chaotic and I didn't make everything I had intended on making. So, I will try again this week!

Monday - Roast Beef, gravy, Mashed potatoes & roasted asparagus

Tuesday - Chicken Parmesan, noodles and green beans

Wednesday - Hot roast beef sandwiches & salad

Thursday - BBQ sausages & salad

Friday - Jerk chicken (Emeril), rice & peas, fried plantain...I'm feeling like a little Jamaican food right now!

Saturday -Singapore noodles (recipe from Canadian Living)

Sunday - TBD

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Freaking out

My formerly sweet, well behaved little boy has turned into a nightmare since the whole stomach flu thing a week ago. He is a different person. I'm not sure what happened. Perhaps that he is turning 3 in just a few weeks has triggered some strange personality transformation. For the last week he has been a defiant little pain-in the bum. He is constantly screaming to get his own way and almost everything seems like a struggle. He doesn't want to get dressed in the morning, I have to practically glue him to his seat for meals and he is constantly telling me "NO!" I feel like I have to keep correcting him "no thank you mommy", "I would prefer Max and Ruby instead of Backyardigans mommy" etc. instead of a big, loud NO all of the time.

The only good thing about this phase is that he is extra cuddly and likes to have time just sitting and snuggling together. He has always been a fairly cuddly guy, but is more so lately.

I still hope this phase is short-lived because it isn't nice being bossed around by an almost 3 year old! I have been good at keeping my cool but it is trying on the patience, that is for sure!