Monday, April 28, 2008

My 3 year old Love Bug

As promised, here is a little synopsis of my Love Bug at 36 months.

He is a very complex little guy. He can be quite serious sometimes and other times he is a clown. He has always had a great sense of humour and knows what can make other people laugh. In particular, he cracks his sister up with almost everything he does.

He has never been the best sleeper. We struggle constantly with naps and staying in bed at night. He is probably outgrowing his nap (sadly) but still needs a couple naps a week for sure.

He has been suffering from night terrors...that is what the night time temper tantrums were about. He will usually wake up crying and screaming within 3-4 hours of going to bed. We just go in and hold him. He usually doesn't make sense and will go back to sleep fairly quickly.

He loves attention at night (other than the night terrors) and will come up with ridiculous excuses to get us in his room, like he doesn't want a blanket on his bed. Um...take it off then silly!
He is so affectionate and I don't want him to outgrow this! He loves to sit on your lap and talk, read books or even watch tv. He will just come up and say "please hold me mommy". Even his teacher at nursery school thinks he is super cuddly.

He talks non-stop. Sometimes he can be on a monologue for 10 minutes. It is nice to have conversations with him now though.

He still isn't potty trained (so sad). He was doing really well for a while and then totally reverted back to going in his pull-ups after he had the stomach flu about a month ago. I need to figure this one out.

He knows all of his colours, shapes and letters.

He loves clocks. He will notice a clock anywhere we go. And, he wants them to turn more. We have to explain that clocks turn slowly unless they have a seconds arm that moves quicker.

He loves cars and the movie by the same name. He has a little McQueen and a bigger McQueen and they are always around - sometimes in my diaper bag for trips in the minivan.

Some of his favourite expressions are "What happened?", "What's that smell?"

His favourite shows are Max & Ruby and Backyardigans. We have a bunch taped on our PVR and he knows and wants specific episodes all of the time...picky.

He is a Starbucks addict already. He know my order and knows his order too...a kid's hot chocolate no whip cream and a ginger molasses cookie. He shares both of those things with his little sister though. And, he loves the Starbucks drive-thrus...which makes it way too convenient for me to take them... a lot!

The Love Bug had an interest in books at an early age and still does. He loves to read lots of books including ones that require a pretty good attention span like Muncsh and Dr. Seuss. His love of reading makes us happy since both my husband and myself like to read (my hubby reads more than anyone I have ever met).

He LOVES to help with just about everything!

I can't believe that he is 3 already. He still had a baby-ish look about him until recently but now he definitely looks more like a little boy. I guess ultimately, he always will be my baby boy though.

1 comment:

Multi-tasking Mommy said...

They just grow up so fast, don't they?!