Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My 3 year old guy

I started writing this on his birthday, but just finished today.

The day started off well with the Love Bug having a good sleep...yeh! So, he got a sticker on his "Stayed in bed all night chart". He was a little bit grumpy when I dropped him off at nursery school and kept saying "please hold me mommy." When it was time for me to leave he went immediately to his teacher (who he loves) and snuggled her. We had made some chocolate cupcakes with blue icing (as per Love Bug's request) to bring for snack time at nursery school. So, he got to share them with all of his school friends and they sang happy birthday to him.

When the Missus and I picked him up from school at lunch time he was in a really good mood. We came home and had lunch and he opened his presents from us. I decided to have a nap with him so he would rest because I though he has had a lot of excitement lately. It worked and he had a decent nap.

When we got up we went to Chuck E Cheese for dinner. We haven't been there in a while but the kids LOVED it!!! They had a great time playing with all of the games and rides. And, we had pizza for dinner...what more could any 3 year old ask for.

Afterwards we went to Starbucks (Chapters is right bedside Chuck E Cheese conveniently :) and had some drinks. The kids shared a kids hot chocolate and a cookie. What a great way to end the day!

I will post some more about my 3 year old preschooler (yikes - no longer a toddler!) in the next couple of days. I need a little time to reflect and adjust to my baby boy turning 3.

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