Friday, February 29, 2008

Nursery School Social

Along with running the Scholastic program at the Love Bug's nursery school, I am also on a social committee organizing a fundraiser. The school is a co-operative nursery school and relies on fundraisers to operate. Part of going to a co-operative nursery school is also having the parents involved in the school, which is one of the reasons why we chose it. I like to be involved.

At first I thought joining this committee was going to be a nightmare. The first meeting was dreadful - too many people. It reminded me of group work in university (which, by the way, I hated). It started off disorganized with a few people monopolizing the conversation...and generally not throwing out very useful (or logical) ideas. The second meeting was better because some of those people were not there. And, our last meeting was great. We accomplished so much and there were only 4 of us. Sometimes I think that large groups are just not as productive (the old "too many chiefs" saying).

The event will be on Friday March 28th in the evening and will be a fun evening for little ones.

Part of the fundraiser is going to be a raffle for baskets. There will be a mom basket, dad basket, kids basket, new baby basket, etc. We have been contacting local businesses for donations and people are being fairly generous. I absolutely hate cold-calling people I don't know asking for stuff...yuk. But it hasn't been too bad so far.

I anyone out there knows of any business that would like to donate a product or gift certificate for a good cause...please let me know!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Lately, my kids have been little pains in the butt. I think partly because they are tired of being couped up in doors (we NEED Spring). Every time I turn around , they are in to something. The Love Bug was one of those kids who was constantly opening every drawer or cupboard anywhere we went. We thought he had outgrown this curiosity to get in to trouble. Um...not so much. On Friday my husband spent the morning "child proofing" our kitchen aka installing safety latches on all of our cupboard doors. We had everything safety proofed in our old house, but we really didn't want to have to do this in our new house.

Over the last month or so, my Love Bug will be in to everything he can get his hands on. I'll be making dinner or something and next thing I know, he is walking around with a box of cereal or sometimes a coffee grinder (which made a HUGE mess of coffee grounds everywhere - I was NOT impressed). And, to make matters worse, he now has a partner in crime. Everywhere the Love Bug is, Missus is not far behind (seeing what she can drag out of the cupboards)!

He has already told me "I don't like these new locks Mommy!". I just said "Oh well. Maybe you will stay out of trouble now". Ya right!

p.s. We still need to do child proof our master bathroom so that toothpaste and shaving cream don't get all of the last week...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Menu Plan - week of Feb.25

Monday - Beef Ragout with Penne Rigate (new from Canadian living), salad

Tuesday - chili and buttermilk biscuits (What can I hubby wants chili every week!)

Wednesday - leftovers

Thursday - Singapore noodles (new recipe from Canadian Living)

Friday - homemade pizza

Saturday - Tex Mex Gooey Casserole (we often refer to this as Mexican lasagna), salad

Sunday - leftovers

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Toddler Time

Today the Missus and I went to a class at a local parenting centre. The program is called Toddler Time and is a music program for kids 1-3 years old. I took the Love Bug there for a few programs when he was little, including Toddler Time when he has just turned one.

I thought Missus would LOVE the program because she will stop and dance to any music she hears - including elevator music. But, I think she was wondering where the heck we were. Poor thing. The only program I have taken her to (except a couple where she tagged along to Love Bug's class) was swimming. I think she was just trying to figure out what was happening today. Don't get me wrong, she definitely enjoyed it. She just wasn't her usual loud, enthusiastic self. I'm sure she will be in to it more next week.

As a side note...I can't believe I am already taking her to programs with "toddler" on the name. It is official longer an sad...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Menu Plan - week of Feb.18th

Monday - homemade perogies (lets hope they turn out!) and a salad

Tuesday - Chili, buttermilk biscuits

Wednesday - Macaroni and cheese (from Deceptively Delicious)

Thursday - Beer braised beef (with carrots) and mashed potatoes

Friday - TBD

Saturday - chicken stew

Sunday - Fettucine Verona (fresh noodles with grilled chicken, artichoke hearts, sundried tomatoes and cheese)...I haven't made this in a while! It is simple and really good)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dinner and a hockey game

I keep trying to write this post but my children won't leave me alone for 2 minutes!!!!!!!!

My FIL phoned us a few weeks ago asking us if we wanted to go to a Leafs game. It has been a while since we have gone to a hockey game, so we said yes, of course. We decided to meet for dinner before the game at a place close by to the ACC.

We had our babysitters come over again. This time only the older sister was available but she brought a friend to help her out. We were going to be gone for quite a while, so I was a bit nervous about it.

The hubby went and picked them up around 4pm and we left to go downtown around 4:30pm. We ordered pizza for the girls and the Love Bug to make it easier on them. And, I already had dinner for the Missus ready to go - they just needed to feed her.

I don't know about anyone else, but I find I have a lot of prep work to do before we have anyone babysit the kids. I have an "instruction sheet" I have saved on the computer that I always update. I get all of the Missus' food out, cut and ready. Things for the Love Bug out. Their pjs out with diapers. Diapers are labeled because they take different sizes, etc...etc...

Anyways, the kids ate no problem. The Missus went to bed fine. Love Bug got out of bed once apparently. We got home around 10:30pm. Just after we got in the Missus started stirring in her crib. The hubby went to take the sitters home and I went to calm the Missus down. Then I checked on the Love Bug. He was asleep on the floor of his room. He only had one set of pajamas on and still had his pull up on. He was a bit wet. So, I put a diaper on him, changed his pj bottoms and put a blanket sleeper on him. We always put 2 pairs of pajamas on him in the winter because he tends to kick off his blankets when he sleeps.

Overall, it was a good night. We got to go out, the Leafs won the game and the kids were pretty well behaved. I only wish I could have spent a little more time with my hubby. At the game the seats were across the aisle from each other, so I sat with my step MIL and the hubby sat with his dad. It was nice for them to spend time with each other too though.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Well, the Missus is officially weaned. She was actually weaned cold-turkey last week a little unexpectedly. I was going to take her to 2 breast-feeding a day anyway but the process was sped up when I needed to take some medication that prevented me from breastfeeding (more on that another day). I am doing fine and so is the Missus. The first day she kept coming up to me and whined for me to breastfeed her. But the next couple of days went smoother and now she is drinking her homo milk from a sippie cup. We are still warming it up (just slightly) for her prior to giving it to her. She seems to drink more if it is at room temperature. I am proud of her so doing so well!

Now, if only I could get the Love Bug to drink milk again. I had a conversation with MTM about her daughter not drinking milk anymore. I said at the time that the Love Bug is a milk-a-holic and drinks tons. Well, wouldn't you know that a week later he stopped. Apparently he "doesn't like milk" anymore. He will drink chocolate milk and regular milk if I put a tiny bit of my chai latte in it, but that is not something I prefer to do. Hopefully he will grow out of this phase quickly.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Munsch Mania

For the last few months, the Love Bug has been obsessed with Robert Munsch books. We have to read a few before nap time and a few before bed time every day. He goes through "favourites" for about a week or so that we have to read a couple of times each time we sit down. The first one he became obsessed with was "Smelly Socks". Then it was "Thomas' snowsuit" then "Make up mess" then "We Share Everything" then "Playhouse". The latest book that he is wants read all of the time is "Fifty below zero" which is really quite fitting this week!

I think it is great that the Love Bug loves to read so much and I think that the Munsch books require a pretty good attention span for someone his age. There are a couple of the books that I don't particularly care for (MMM cookies and Aaron's hair), but if he wants to read them, I do.

Now if only we could get the Missus sitting nicely to read books! She doesn't have the same attention span as her brother, that is for sure!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Menu Plan - week of Feb.11th

I kind of feel like I am more on-the-ball this week so I have planned my menu one day early.

Monday - Italian baked chicken and pastina & maybe a salad

Mashed potatoes
green beans
chicken meatloaf with red pepper sauce

Wednesday - going to my mom's for dinner

Thursday /Valentine's Day
appetizer - baked brie and a baguette
Herbed Rosti potatoes (Canadian Living)
Roasted Chicken with Balsamic Vinaigrette
Something chocolatey for dessert - yummy

Apple pork chops (Canadian Living cookbook)
Butternut squash and vanilla risotto

Saturday - going out for dinner!

Sunday - leftovers!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Up 5 times

Not last night, but the night before, the Love Bug got up FIVE times in the night! He has been going through phases of getting up and/or sleeping in the hallway since before we moved out of our old house. It has just begun to escalate recently to the point that it is beyond irritating. We have tried to be patient and handle things calmly, however, it just doesn't seem to be working anymore. We honestly feel like the Love Bug is just coming up with excuses to get up and just enjoys spending time with us in the wee hours of the morning. I love him like crazy, but seriously, I really don't enjoy the night time visits AT ALL! Neither does the hubby.

So, last night we told him that if he got up even once that we would put a lock on his door. It isn't really a lock. It is just one of those child proof door handles on the inside of his room. He used to sleep with his door shut when he was little, but since he turned 2 he likes having it open.

So, about an hour after bed time he got up...testing the waters I think. So, the door was shut. He cried and screamed like someone was killing him for about 30 minutes. Finally I went in and he was on his bed, his face blotchy from crying. It actually kind of broke my heart seeing him like that but I stayed tough. He aked me "mommy, what happened?" So, I asked him back "You tell me what happened."

He said "I not suppose to get out of bed or lock goes on door". So, he knew.

I explained how much we love him and that we don't like being tough but he is giving us no choise. He settled down and went to sleep.

Around 12:30 - up again. So, lock on door. Crying and screaming for over half an hour. Once he calmed down a bit the hubby went in and calmed him down and explained everything to him again. He stayed in bed until around 6:45 am - which is pretty good for him.

Tonight he is sleeping in our guest room because the hubby is painting his room, so we'll see how he does!

Monday, February 4, 2008

13 months old today!

It was a month ago today that the Missus turned a year old. I really don't know where the time goes!

Well, the Missus is a very busy little girl. She loves to play with her big brother and we love watching them interact with each other. Sometimes they are just too cute. They roll around with each other on the floor, play with toys and love to play with a big box in our family room (that had some chairs in it). The Love Bug has also taken to help the Missus learn to walk. He will hold her hands and actually try to walk her around the room - it looks like they are dancing and she LOVES it. While they are quite cute - most of the time - they do have their moments where I have to play referee. Who knew it started so young?!?

The Missus is mostly weaned now and drinks milk from a sippie cup. And, we are also starting to give her less and less baby food. She wants everything we are eating and is a bit of a beggar!

She still is not walking on her own, although she does take a few steps if you encourage her. She is getting there, slowly but surely.

She is a very loud and vocal little girl who loves to hear her own voice. We are surprised at how much noise she can make. It is a good thing because she already has quite a few words and can even put 2 words together like "hi daddy".

A few other tidbits:
-she loves to imitate others, both actions and words.
-she likes to "help" around the house and will wipe off her booster seat tray if you give her a cloth
-she can follow some instuctions, particularly will give kisses if asked.
-she is still a HUGE flirt and smiles and coes at men wherever we go!
-she likes to take off her own shirt when we are getting her undressed - and I appreciate the help!

She is growing up so if only her hair would grow so fast! I can't wait to put it in pony tails and barrettes, but we are still in the baby mullet phase...

Menu plan - week of Feb.4th

Monday - leftovers

Tuesday - Buttermilk pancakes for Shrove Tuesday & some fruit

Wednesday - spaghetti and meatballs (compliments of my mommy)

Thursday - chicken curry with steamed basmati rice

Friday - chili and buttermilk biscuits (and salad)

Saturday - TBD

Sunday - TBD