Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Munsch Mania

For the last few months, the Love Bug has been obsessed with Robert Munsch books. We have to read a few before nap time and a few before bed time every day. He goes through "favourites" for about a week or so that we have to read a couple of times each time we sit down. The first one he became obsessed with was "Smelly Socks". Then it was "Thomas' snowsuit" then "Make up mess" then "We Share Everything" then "Playhouse". The latest book that he is wants read all of the time is "Fifty below zero" which is really quite fitting this week!

I think it is great that the Love Bug loves to read so much and I think that the Munsch books require a pretty good attention span for someone his age. There are a couple of the books that I don't particularly care for (MMM cookies and Aaron's hair), but if he wants to read them, I do.

Now if only we could get the Missus sitting nicely to read books! She doesn't have the same attention span as her brother, that is for sure!

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