Friday, February 8, 2008

Up 5 times

Not last night, but the night before, the Love Bug got up FIVE times in the night! He has been going through phases of getting up and/or sleeping in the hallway since before we moved out of our old house. It has just begun to escalate recently to the point that it is beyond irritating. We have tried to be patient and handle things calmly, however, it just doesn't seem to be working anymore. We honestly feel like the Love Bug is just coming up with excuses to get up and just enjoys spending time with us in the wee hours of the morning. I love him like crazy, but seriously, I really don't enjoy the night time visits AT ALL! Neither does the hubby.

So, last night we told him that if he got up even once that we would put a lock on his door. It isn't really a lock. It is just one of those child proof door handles on the inside of his room. He used to sleep with his door shut when he was little, but since he turned 2 he likes having it open.

So, about an hour after bed time he got up...testing the waters I think. So, the door was shut. He cried and screamed like someone was killing him for about 30 minutes. Finally I went in and he was on his bed, his face blotchy from crying. It actually kind of broke my heart seeing him like that but I stayed tough. He aked me "mommy, what happened?" So, I asked him back "You tell me what happened."

He said "I not suppose to get out of bed or lock goes on door". So, he knew.

I explained how much we love him and that we don't like being tough but he is giving us no choise. He settled down and went to sleep.

Around 12:30 - up again. So, lock on door. Crying and screaming for over half an hour. Once he calmed down a bit the hubby went in and calmed him down and explained everything to him again. He stayed in bed until around 6:45 am - which is pretty good for him.

Tonight he is sleeping in our guest room because the hubby is painting his room, so we'll see how he does!

1 comment:

Multi-tasking Mommy said...

SO not fun! I think our two little ones were cut from the same cloth ;) The bunny stopped being ok with her door being closed at about 1 1/2-2 as well.