Monday, February 4, 2008

13 months old today!

It was a month ago today that the Missus turned a year old. I really don't know where the time goes!

Well, the Missus is a very busy little girl. She loves to play with her big brother and we love watching them interact with each other. Sometimes they are just too cute. They roll around with each other on the floor, play with toys and love to play with a big box in our family room (that had some chairs in it). The Love Bug has also taken to help the Missus learn to walk. He will hold her hands and actually try to walk her around the room - it looks like they are dancing and she LOVES it. While they are quite cute - most of the time - they do have their moments where I have to play referee. Who knew it started so young?!?

The Missus is mostly weaned now and drinks milk from a sippie cup. And, we are also starting to give her less and less baby food. She wants everything we are eating and is a bit of a beggar!

She still is not walking on her own, although she does take a few steps if you encourage her. She is getting there, slowly but surely.

She is a very loud and vocal little girl who loves to hear her own voice. We are surprised at how much noise she can make. It is a good thing because she already has quite a few words and can even put 2 words together like "hi daddy".

A few other tidbits:
-she loves to imitate others, both actions and words.
-she likes to "help" around the house and will wipe off her booster seat tray if you give her a cloth
-she can follow some instuctions, particularly will give kisses if asked.
-she is still a HUGE flirt and smiles and coes at men wherever we go!
-she likes to take off her own shirt when we are getting her undressed - and I appreciate the help!

She is growing up so if only her hair would grow so fast! I can't wait to put it in pony tails and barrettes, but we are still in the baby mullet phase...

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