Thursday, April 3, 2008

Freaking out

My formerly sweet, well behaved little boy has turned into a nightmare since the whole stomach flu thing a week ago. He is a different person. I'm not sure what happened. Perhaps that he is turning 3 in just a few weeks has triggered some strange personality transformation. For the last week he has been a defiant little pain-in the bum. He is constantly screaming to get his own way and almost everything seems like a struggle. He doesn't want to get dressed in the morning, I have to practically glue him to his seat for meals and he is constantly telling me "NO!" I feel like I have to keep correcting him "no thank you mommy", "I would prefer Max and Ruby instead of Backyardigans mommy" etc. instead of a big, loud NO all of the time.

The only good thing about this phase is that he is extra cuddly and likes to have time just sitting and snuggling together. He has always been a fairly cuddly guy, but is more so lately.

I still hope this phase is short-lived because it isn't nice being bossed around by an almost 3 year old! I have been good at keeping my cool but it is trying on the patience, that is for sure!


Christy said...

Oooo, I feel for you. We have the same kind of thing going on still at our house and we are almost 3.5 now!

Likes to say it is like a teenage trapped in a little body, I don't want to imagine what I am in for once we actually get to the teenager phase.

Actually we are starting to see an improvement suddenly for the last couple of weeks. So at least there does seem to be an end, thank God!

Good luck.

Multi-tasking Mommy said...

Gosh, I'm so glad that I know you! These guys seem to be on the same track together. The bunny started this a few weeks ago too--did you read the hubby's post about it earlier this week? It's AWFUL! I think this is the terrible two's that never happened! NO fair!!! All of the updates I've been getting on email about 3 year olds is all about saying goodbye to the terrible twos and welcoming a more cooperative three year old....what's wrong with ours? ;) Good luck!