Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Food for thought

I was just thinking the other day about how interesting it is to watch your child's food preferences develop. Both my kids have gone through similar stages. When first introduced to solid foods, they started liking cereal right away. They were also pretty good with fruits and veggies. Meat was another story all together. I had a hard time with jarred meat.
Then they went through a stage where they would try and eat almost anything you put on their tray. And, they couldn't seem to get enough food!

Now the Love Bug is very picky and the Missus is starting to become more so, although she is way more open to trying things than her brother.

Here is a list of the Love Bug's top 10 favourite things to eat (in no particular order):
1.Chocolate (a boy after my own heart)
3. Ginger Molasses cookies from Starbucks (when asked the other day which Starbucks he wanted to go to he replied "the one with the Ginger Lasses cookies mommy!"
4. Strawberries
5. Pancakes - we have them at least once a week, usually weekend breakfast.
6. "baby oranges" (mandarin)
7. Lunch (which consists of bread or crackers, cheese and turkey - sometimes I ask him what he wants for breakfast and he will say "Lunch!"
8. Kraft dinner with Daddy (because I don't eat it)
9. Chicken fingers and fries (I try to make them healthier and make them myself)
10. mustard - I know it isn't a food, but the guy loves it!

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