Thursday, May 8, 2008

16 months old

My little girl turned 16 months old last Sunday. It is so weird to think of her as that old...when the Love Bug was that old I was halfway through my pregnancy with the Missus!

The Missus is a very active toddler now- always running and into everything. She still loves to be held though, which I think is just part of her personality. She is in her glory when we have family get-togethers. She just goes to her grandparents and aunts/uncles asking everyone to pick her up.

She has been moving from two naps a day to just one...and I don't think she is always happy about it! She often goes to the stairs and begs to go "night nights" waaaaaay before it is nap time. I have given in to her the odd day and let her sleep for an hour in the morning (so that she will still have an afternoon nap).

I have decided that I love to make her look pretty. I feel very lucky to have both a boy and a girl because there are great things about each. I do love buying clothes and accessories for my baby girl, for sure. And, she loves it too. She is a shoe gal already! Anytime we go into a store, she goes right for the shoes.

Currently, the Missus and I are enrolled in Toddlergym one of the mornings when the Love Bug is in nursery school. She loves it! Her brother liked it when he was her age too. She enjoys both the singing and active play. After the very first class she already knew the actions for the "Sleeping bunny" or "Sleeping monkey" song. It is too cute! Sometimes she will lie down on the floor and look at me with a big smile, waiting for me to sing it to her.

Some other amazing Missus points:
-she already has mini temper tantrums when she gets frustrated..something I think she may have picked up from her brother (when he was going through that phase). Should be interesting when she turns two.
-she can turn the pages of a book and is getting better at sitting still when being read to.
-she is completely attached to her "Bwankie"! She picks it up and rubs one of the corners against her nose as soon as she sees it.
-she is still a climbing machine and you have to watch her at all times (she has fallen down stairs a few times, much to my horror)
-she can take off pieces of clothes by herself and sometimes I find her walking around the house topless.....and always shoeless in the car.
-she surprises me every day with the amount of words she is using and the things she can do!

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