Thursday, August 16, 2007


Mine is crazy. I know everyone has their stories, but seriously, I really think mine takes the cake. My MIL and hubby have a volatile relationship. His brother hasn't talked to their mom for over 10 years and she is now divorced from her husband. It sort of speaks volumes, right? She thinks it is always everyone else and doesn't see that she is the common denominator in the scenarios.

We haven't seen much of her this summer because she is very particular on when she wants to come over because she has a paranoia about being caught in traffic (even though she doesn't work, volunteer, or anything). So she generally only wants to come on Tuesday to Thursday between the hours of 10am-2pm. It makes it a little difficult to schedule sometimes because of other commitments and my hubby's shift work.

Back to the story...

My hubby talked to her last week and said we would get back to her with some dates. We decided afterwards that we would give her a call and go over there this week (she lives about 50 min away). We also thought we would bring dinner and cook for her since her knee has been hurting lately.

On Monday I just put the kids down for a nap when I heard the doorbell ring. I never answer the door unless I am expecting someone, so I ignored it. A few minutes later it rang again. I went to see who it was because I didn't want them to wake the kids up. I looked out the peephole and saw a bunch of stuff on the front step. It looked like toys. I opened the door and said "hello?" Then I saw my MIL carrying a box up to the front step. She said "hi" and proceeded back to her car. I was shocked. I said "hi, would you like to come in for a while?" She said "no, I wasn't invited." Then she got in her car and drove away!

I shut the door stunned. Finally, I regained composure and took the toys inside. They were from my hubby's aunt. My MIL called a few minutes later from her cell. I didn't answer. She basically just said that the toys were from the aunt and she dropped them off because her house cleaner was coming on Wednesday.

Seriously, she is the most passive aggressive person I have ever met! My husband would have stopped talking to her long ago if I didn't push for him to retain the relationship.

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