Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dog Bite

Yesterday, my FIL came over and brought his dog. She is a good dog, however, she is getting old and hasn't been herself for about a year now. I was in the kitchen getting ready to go out and my hubby was upstairs getting changed. So, my FIL, son and the dog were in the family room together. All of a sudden my son started crying. It was a hurt cry, not a terrible 2 cry. Both my husband and I went running to him. We asked what happened and my FIL wasn't sure. We picked him up and noticed that he had marks on his face. The dog bit him on the forehead! He was bruised and it broke the skin, although nothing serious.

I think we handled it quite well and didn't get overly-upset. It was just so sudden. There was no bark or growl, just a bite. We think my son might have put his face up to hers and the dog felt that it was an aggressive gesture.

We might have to keep the dog away from the kids now. My son will hopefully know better next time, but it will be hard once my daughter starts crawling (at 7 months), which could be any day now.

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