Wednesday, June 4, 2008

17 months old

I feel like the Missus is doing so many new things every day right now that it is hard to keep track of everything. And, because she is sooooo busy, I find it hard to find the time to blog about it. I'll do my best to capture my active 17th month old.

-she is now putting two or three words together in mini-sentences

-she will say "bwess you" if she hears someone sneeze

-she is a complete parrot and copies everything she hears

-she is a daredevil and will climb anything she can find...for example, I constantly find her sitting in the middle of the kitchen table! She will put out a chair, climb onto it and then climb onto the table. She LOVES to do this if anyone has left food on the table in particular.

-that brings me to another point...she eats constantly! She is definitely more picky than she used to be, but she prefers smaller meals with LOTS of snacks in between. Which is really a healthier way to eat girl ;)

-she loves music and you will often hear her trying to sing along to the radio in the car. Her favourite kids songs are "ring around the rosie" and "wheels on the bus". She will sing a few of the words and do the actions.

-she is still a dancing machine - I can't wait to put her in a tu tu for dance classes! I'm not sure how old she needs to be to start though...

-the Missus fits right in at the Love Bug's nursery school. The other kids are used to her now. She will walk in with the Love Bug and I in the morning like she belongs there...pull up a chair and start colouring.

-she loves bouncing balls. She will pick it up and say "ball..bouncy bouncy" and kill herself laughing.

-she loves her "babies" such as dolls and stuffed animals. If we ask her to find her baby she will go get it and give it big hugs. She also like to feed the doll a bottle and give it medicine.

-the Missus likes to pretend making things in the play kitchen and will bring me cups of tea. I'm looking forward to when my kids can do this for real!

-right now she is getting 4 teeth, including two molars. So, she has been a bit cranky at times and it is more difficult to brush her teeth. She will grab the toothbrush away from me and say "mine" "bwuss" and brush her own teeth.

-last, but not least, she knows most of her major body parts...and her favourite is her belly button.

1 comment:

Blog said...

Isn't it amazing when they start stringing words together? She's at such a great age! So much fun! :) I love the pic of the two of you! GORJ!