Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A trip to the pediatrician

The Love Bug went to the Pediatrician on Friday. The doctor was quite happy with his progress and wanted us to get some blood work done. So, we went over to the Peds floor at the hospital and had it done there. The Love Bug was a superstar getting his blood taken this time!

I was really hoping that we would know when our appointment at the pediatric cardiologist would be but they just faxed the referral letter while we were there, so we are still waiting. We will likely have to go for a few appointments with the cardiologist over the next year and Love Bug will need some Echo cardiograms. The pediatrician also told us to keep him on the one aspirin a day to minimize impacts to his heart.

I was feeling pretty positive after leaving the Pediatrician's office, but then my hubby looked up the Love Bug's blood test results (he works at the same hospital so has access to these things) and Love Bug's white cell count/platelets are still high and his ESR (this measure the infection/inflammation in his body) was worse than when he was in the hospital. So, I guess he is still fighting it.

He really does seem more like himself though. Not so irritable and he is really hungry. So now we just have to wait for that appointment to ensure there was no long term damage. I'll feel a lot better once that is done!

1 comment:

Multi-tasking Mommy said...

Still thinking of you guys. I cannot even begin to imagine....stay strong!